
Best Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi

Ranked #1 SEO Company in India, Canada & USA for 17 years – SEO GYAN

SEO GYAN helped hundreds of companies grow and succeed by implementing better web design, social media marketing, search engine optimization, and digital Marketing. By utilizing in-depth strategic and competitive reviews, implementing technical improvements, and developing a robust and supportive content strategy, our team will help you:

Increase traffic to your site
Improve user experience
Boost your site’s authority
Improve and expand your online presence
Outrank your competition
Drive revenue
Our SEO Process:

Keyword Research

Performing keyword research is a fundamental aspect of the SEO process, underpinning much of the work we do throughout our campaigns. It not only reveals vital information about your business and your competition but also helps to guide us as we identify and refine a keyword strategy over the long term.

Technical SEO

An optimized website is one that Google considers as both authoritative and error-free. Our technical improvements will cover everything from A to Z, including optimizing Core Web Vitals like performance, responsiveness, and visual stability, metadata, image, heading structure optimization, indexing, and much more.

Mobile Optimization

By reformatting content, displaying larger navigation buttons, and optimizing images according to screen size, we create an optimized mobile experience fundamental to your success.

On-Page and Content Development

On-page and Content Development work will help identify and fill content gaps, optimize existing pages, help us create fresh, authority-building content, improve web architecture, drive traffic, and rank you higher in search engine results.

Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals measure elements such as load speed, interactivity, and visual stability, among others. These form a subset of metrics that inform Google’s user experience score of your page.

Crawl Budget

Google only indexes and ranks pages it can crawl. A crawl budget allows a website’s pages to be found by crawler bots and ensures that new content is identified and indexed quickly.

Image Optimization

Ensuring that all images are high quality but can still load quickly improves page load speed, improves user experience, and helps boost the overall page rank in search results.

Our happy clients come from various industries like:

eCommerce & Retail
Medical & Healthcare
Home Improvement
Real Estate
IT & Tech

SEO Company in India

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