
What is off-page SEO?

What is off-page SEO?
Off-page SEO refers to all SEO tactics that don’t involve updating or publishing content to your website.

In the past, many used “off-page SEO” and “link building” interchangeably, but in reality, there are many off-page SEO tactics you can use, including:

brand building
citation building
content marketing
social media, and more.

These tactics help both search engines and users better understand your website and increase your site’s authority, trust, and relevance.

Think of it like this:

  • Your website = on-page SEO
  • Another site or platform = off-page SEO
  • On-Page vs. Off-Page SEO vs. Technical SEO

    All SEO tactics can be categorized into three buckets: on-Page SEO, off-Page SEO, and technical SEO. But what’s the difference?

  • On-page SEO covers the tactics you use on your site that help search engines understand your content better and rank. These all fall under on-page SEO, creating content, optimizing title tags, image optimization, and more.
  • Off-page SEO includes activities from or “behind the scenes” of your website.
  • Technical SEO refers to activities that directly impact the indexing and crawling of your site by search engines. Examples include site speed optimization, structured data, and more.
  • Why Is Off-Page SEO Important?

    Think about off-page SEO as building your site’s domain authority. Without this, your site might struggle to outrank websites with higher authority.

    Higher authority websites tend to rank better than those with low or no authority because search engines consider them more credible, relevant, and trustworthy.

    You want to signal that many people trust, share, and reference your site to search engines. Links are one way to show that, but you can’t focus on link building alone. There are many other off-page SEO techniques you can use—let’s take a look at a few.

    13 Off-Page SEO Techniques that Work

  • Link Building
  • Brand Building
  • Content Marketing
  • PR
  • Local SEO (GMB and Citations)
  • Social Media
  • Forums
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Events
  • Guest Posting
  • Podcasts
  • Reviews
  • Content Syndication
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